The unexpected reality of a physical injury can impact a lot of areas of your life. You may have to take time away from work, you may require more support and even your personality could change.
Untreated emotional trauma can turn into serious mental illnesses that can create ongoing problems. Acknowledging your injury’s challenges may help you recognize the emotional strain it may cause before it worsens.
Pain and depression
You may not notice right away if your physical pain and injury have impacted your mental and emotional health. Gradual changes including difficulty sleeping, increased irritability, anxiousness, vivid flashbacks and inability to focus can all indicate emotional trauma. According to The Mayo Clinic, chronic pain can take a toll on your endurance and happiness. Low self-esteem, stress and reduced mobility can all lead to depression.
From the onset of your injury, practice mindfulness as you process your emotions. Allow yourself grace as you work through the circumstances and adapt to living with your injury. If your accident created a permanent disability, this process may take longer and require lifelong support.
Solutions and support
Early intervention for emotional and mental illness can help you learn effective coping strategies to manage triggers and challenges. Some resources you may consider include therapy, medication and pain-management programs such as rehabilitation.
As you heal from your injury, you may need to rely on the help and support of those who care about you. Expressing your feelings with clarity can help people know how to provide the most effective support. Working toward mental health and physical recovery in unison may expedite your effort to overcome your injury.